Category: Blog

  • How Long Should Your Daily Singing Practice Be?

    Kathy Alexander and Simone Niles share their thoughts on a daily singing practice. KATHY ALEXANDER Music Teacher | Vocal Coach | Co-founder of Singdaptive SIMONE NILES Vocalist | Transformational Coach We asked Singdaptive instructors what thoughts they have on practicing singing everyday. Today, we hear from singer, author, vocal coach, choir director, and Singdaptive co-founder,…

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  • How To Be a 5-Star Hotel Singer

    How To Be a 5-Star Hotel Singer

    What the heck is a nebulizer and can it help my singing voice? Does the lure of global travel and performing in 5-star hotels spark an interest? (And do you know at least 100 pop songs?) Lisa Popeil interviews LA jazz singer, Courtney Lemmon, on the details of being a professional singer in this lucrative…

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  • Reset Your Tired, Tense Voice – Like Magic

    Reset Your Tired, Tense Voice – Like Magic

    Learn the exercises that effortlessly get your back in the singing game SOVT exercises are incredibly healthy for your vocal folds -says Kathy Alexander You know the clichéd image of the heavy-set opera singer who narcissistically sings, “Me! Me! Me! Meeee!” before she goes on stage? Well, she’s not as egocentric as you might think.…

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  • Should I Jump on the Nebulizer Bandwagon?

    Should I Jump on the Nebulizer Bandwagon?

    What the heck is a nebulizer and can it help my singing voice? Nebulizers (or, nebulisers) are being used by singers to “cure” ailments and promote vocal health – Dr. Anthony Jahn notes the dangers. Dear Dr. Jahn, I`ve heard some singer friends are using nebulizers to keep their voices in good condition. Honestly the…

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  • Singing After Laryngitis

    Singing After Laryngitis

    Steps to get back to singing healthily Light movement is good for healing – says Tom Burke. If you are recovering from laryngitis, you are probably more than eager to get your voice back for your up-coming gigs or rehearsals. Singdaptive went to speech language pathologist and voice teacher Tom Burke to find out how…

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  • Songs for the Choral Auditions

    Songs for the Choral Auditions

    Great songs for soprano, alto, tenor and bass voices. Here are some songs categorised by voice type and genre – appropriate for choir auditions. Award winning Music Director and Choral Clinician Brian Wismath encourages singers who are thinking of joining a choir to go and hear that choir in person: ‘Get a sense as to…

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  • Steamer, Vaporizer or Nebulizer – What’s the Diff?

    Steamer, Vaporizer or Nebulizer – What’s the Diff?

    Dr. Anthony Jahn shares when each one matters for your voice. Steamers and Rebulizers – do they really make a difference? Let’s address your concerns. Dr Jahn, A lot of my friends are session singers and they are raving about personal steamers and nebulizers, but they don’t seem to know the difference. Is there a…

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  • The 7 Best Audition Tips You’ll Ever Hear

    The 7 Best Audition Tips You’ll Ever Hear

    Is there a sure-fire way to nail your audition? Whether it’s a reality show, a local band, a cruise ship spot or a musical, these audition tips may just make all the difference on the big day. So, you’ve picked your song, you’ve got a sparkly outfit and some killer moves. But is there a…

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  • The Breathy Voice – Who, What, When, Where & Why Not

    The Breathy Voice – Who, What, When, Where & Why Not

    Others do it, so can I sing breathy too? Leading vocal coach, Jaime Babbitt, takes on the phenomenon of ‘whisper pop’, the breathy quality that even bombastic belters sometimes use. Ah, let us take a few moments to reflect on that that breathy, airy, ethereal quality found in many of today’s singers’ voices. It’s been…

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  • The Husky Voice – How to User it in Good Health

    The Husky Voice – How to User it in Good Health

    Get the Dark Sound Healthily You can learn to sing with a ‘dark’, husky sonic sound, without dire vocal trouble -says Jaime Babbitt Husky, sensuous voices: we love hearing them, both in songs and in speech. What’s the appeal? (NOTE: ‘Husky’ is not to be confused with “raspy”–that’s another article, ha.) Well, studies have shown…

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